*geraint's my favourite color!*
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:) welcome to MY LIFE! (: Kirbie~ memee..
Name : Geraint.aka.kirbie
Age : 16!! =P
Gender : male
Birthday : 23 May 1993
Email add : bonlesschickeshit@hotmail.com
Sec school : k.c.p.s.s
Pri school : k.c.p.p.s
plays the drums. PASSIONATE abt arts n sports.

Memee Hates

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Detest : 1.irritating ppl (like me)
4.construction works under my block
5.stupid smelly HAZE
6.NEVER ENDING holidays


Memee Likes

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Likes : Fave ppl: 1.family(-_-")
3.ALL my loved ones~ (:

Memee linklinks


Geraint's Green Coconuts!

Speak less Tofu Speak More Crap..

Memee Credits

www.blogger.com = =" www.cbox.ws =D www.imeem.com =P www.ClockLink.com ^^ www.tofu-oyako.com Cute tofu-oyako(c) =3 Devilrobots pictures! and me!! =D

Macromedia Fireworks 8 My must-have tool for creating the graphics for this skin

Memee History

October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
November 2009
February 2010
Wednesday, October 29

oo more pics from our ochard outing~!

speaking of ochard, i went orchard again~!
this time with timo, roy and phoebe..
went to fareast, peninnsula and cityhall..

timo got his super tight jeans..
phoebe got her hoodie-like-pajamas?!
roy, got his necklace/chain stuff,
and i got my very first green plain poly tee and an artist hat!

hmm, theres a 2peace outing on friday! =)
gona go sentosa first, the night safari.. oooo~
night safari had some halloween special thingy, but not too sure my mum wld allow~ hmm..

anws 2peace ppl~ gogogo!

the grass is greener on THIS side~ (: 3:37 PM

Monday, October 27

yup.. i know it looks like world war3~ x_X
the whole house a mess!!

maid left, grandma died rmb?
thats why we brought the beds down to the void deck~
so now, we can each have our own rooms...
sis and i have considered quite carefully..
she wanted the empty room cos it was brighter, [its my room, just that it where maid and grandma slept, and where my toys and stuffs are there.. and i sleep with sis..]

and i wanted sister's room, [where we sleep there and where her stuffs were]
cos it felt its more comfortable and i ALWAYS study there..

so once the beds were moved, it was time to move our stuffs!
oh my god~ x.x
it was a nightmare........................ NIGHTMARE!!!!!
from books to pokemon cards?!? from clothes to stationaries~
we had to switch everything over.. @_@
[even my secret drawer O.<]
there wereLOTS of junk!

we spent the WHOLE DAY packing yesterday..
i still havent finished packing my room till today..

oh wells~ at least i FINALLY get my own room! and able to customise myself too! =)

the grass is greener on THIS side~ (: 9:42 PM

Saturday, October 25

more pics from franci's brithday party!

some bird pose!@

anus pose!

tried the pig face~

oh and~
i did the honours of throwing francis into the pool! (:

& pics from our trip at orchard!

before we went to taka,
we found a shop selling halloween stuffs~
outside mos, beside pepper lunch express~
soo there were LOTS of ppl staring us when we did our 'photoshoots'~

victoria! with her witch face~

yu ting and her obama hat with blue afro~ #:]

rawr! *scratch scratch

david with his.. cockeyedSMURFmask on!?

zz.. they forced me! @_@


making our way to TOYS R US in paragon,
we rode on stupid plastic baby things~

wanyee with barney!

eh? ben leh?

poking ben? o.o?

retarded ghost, pic spoiler!

our adventure in toys r us!



this mask is one the grossest.. lols!
i still rmbed when we looked and laughed at each other!

'i am fat and full~'

'autobots assemble!'




david and his smurf-tarded face again..

sitting on cutsy chairs at the softtoy section!
[through a soft chair at him right after the pic..=x]

enough! just one more left! [its a blur though~]
we had super much fun retarding the whole day!~


the grass is greener on THIS side~ (: 7:10 PM

Friday, October 24

dad's finally back again!

mum and dad woke me up at 6 in the mrning?!...
thinking i had school.. x.x
they made lots of noise, dad even hugged me when i was still half aslp on my bed.. x.x

they left after i told them yesterday was the last day and i was suppose to wake up at 8.30 for shooting~

anws, woke up not long after the 'ruckus'~

dad hugged me so tight.. haha.. x.x

he bought and brought back my bearings! for my blades~
that time he got the wheels but there wasnt any bearings nor the bearing tool..
therefore cldnt skate for 2weeks!
and due to the massive 1mth continuous examination periodS,
i havent skated for a month, 4/5 weeks le! x.x
super bad for health!

dad also got mum a 'Coach' baobao!
it costed $800 US = abt $1100 SG!
what the heck!

but its a welcomeback+xmas present so its worth it lurh..

he bought books for which sis had requested too!
manymany books, which were like 20-30$ cheaper than whats sold in SG for the same books..

dad's luggage was also filled with BOXES of chocolates, from Herseys to Reeses, from milk chocolates, to peanut butter chocolates!

after shooting,
went to donate my kiddy-books to ms foo! (:
felt so delighted even though joey was the one passing them to her.. [shy ><]
ms foo thanked me! =D
and was kinda surprised after she opened one of my pop up books! heehee~ O.<

ate pepper lunch with bryan and joey before meeting david, benjamin, xueying,wanyee,yuting and victoria at j8..
i didnt wanna spoil for their all 2joy, completing their cip celebration~ but david INSISTED and i had to go!! =l but im not a stranger to them though~

oh yes! saw and greeted mrs chin along the way, when iwas abt to meet bryan and joey!
hahaha she was buying shoes~ o.o
shes was like..
'aye? geraint! why are you here? why are you staring at me like that again? what do you want?'
[hahahah.. =x]
'err, meeting my friends..'
'oo, meet friends ar? oh yar.. i saw lots of students here also.. you know joey?'
'yar! saw her with another boy..'
'not from our school one right?'
'from our school! im meeting them.. '
'oh.. i dont know him.. i saw them go up leh.. oh have you received your holiday homework?'

we went to orchard, the girls wanted to shop!
i was dying for more clothes too!
but what can 14$ buy?
first stop was taka!
nobody bought anything in the end, but we did lots of stupid stuffs!
vict, trying on highheels which she cldnt balance.. - -
imagining skinny/fat guys wearing super small dresses~
and stuff like that.. lols

after awhile,
david,ben and i got bored...
went to get some icecream! yay~
took super long to decide what flavour we wanted.. ~_~
eventually took cheesy chese cake and raspberry! yummie!!

shared the cost..
though they forget to collect the $$$ from me in the end of the day..

we went to find the girls whom were at the foodcourt~
there were only 4seats!
so we guys went to find other spaces~
david and ben ordered bakerice, while i continued eating the free icecream.. =x

joined the girls after the our lunch.. ~_~
talked and chatted, laughed and did more stupid stuffs~ lols

we then decided to go to Paragon,
right at the opposite of taka!

managed to cross the busy 4/5 lanes road without the traffic light alive!
we were like screaming all the way~ DX

made our way to 'Toys R Us'
did more retarded and stupid stuffs!! hahahahaha
& you know~ its the halloween season~

at the halloween toys section, we..

-wore masks [maskSSSS = more than 10!] and danced with the xmas kiddie song played~ @_@
-tried on plastic haloween hairbands and stuff.. ~_~
-hit each other with hard plastic weapons

we moved after abt 20mins of madness in that section~ .. ..
we visited the soft toys section!
-hugged softtoys
-hit each other with softer plastic weapons
-made a huge mess

we then stopped at the hoolahoop section..

-swung hoolahoops wildly
-played some horse shoe game thing [throwing hoolahoops 'into' me]
UNTIL the a staff came.. = = and gave us that 'you shldnt be doing that' face!

i then had to leave early cos i had to be home before 6..
it our first family dinner after 3mths!

they guided me to the mrt station.. how nice~ (:
waved them goodbye!~
and went walk-run-ing home!

just to know that there wasnt anybody at home.. zzz
mum then called and told me to wait for them downstairs~
went to newton hawker centre to eat! (:
ate samba stingray, fish soup, oyster eggs and lots mroe delicious yummilicious stuffs!

david's posting the pics on facebook..
gona kiap them..
soo wait for them soon!

hmm.. too bad hes only staying for 2weeks..

not very sure if hes gona comeback again for xmas or when celebrating te NewYear though..

the grass is greener on THIS side~ (: 8:37 PM

Wednesday, October 22

tmr's the LAST DAY of school!

its the last and final school day for this WHOLE year!!!

STOP for a moment now & THINK~

remembered our very first day in school!?
we guys were so damn excited wearing our long pants!! hahah..
felt so.. 'BIG'
and the girls were laughing at us.. - -
kept saying we looked so weird.. ._.

remembered how we HATED our new classes,
our new classmates!
and how we YEARNED for that whole of 2peace to get back tgt again?!

remembered when we promised each other we wld always up meet at that table/ spot during recess or early in the mrning!? hahah.. - -?!

time truely flies! so fast.. so fast~

holidays are arnd the corner...
somehow.. im NOT excited nor yearning for it.. AT ALL!

i'll miss SCHOOL!!
my new friends, my old friends, my best friends!
the happy slackness during lessons/cca...
the nothing to-do-ness after school, after the exams..
that sense of time, gone~
and ESP the retarded stuffs we wld always do! everywhere anywhere~

oh wells~
tmr's the last day of school~
gota spend it wisely!!

the grass is greener on THIS side~ (: 10:12 PM

Monday, October 20

first of all.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMIRAHHH!!!!! =D

anws~ pictures from francis's brithday party!! =D
got them from david~ whom he got from nurul~
still got many more pics but nurul was lazy~ zzzz

eh? just realised im the only one doing the retard pose~

ooo i see a lizard~ o.o

see the red stuff at the bottom? its the 'super cool' frisbee effect~ - -

this pic's candid! x.x wasnt prepared when the timer ran off~

david looks like a distraghted chimpanzee here..

we went to watch MaxPayne today!
we as in..
peiwen, noel, ridz, abel, mitchel, junkang, jerron, yong en, nat, benjamin, david, louis, timo, kp, wenfeng, chenyu, nico, kotaro, and me!

yup.. the tickets were almost 2arms long.. = = [im sure i missed some ppl though~ o.o]

the shw wasnt that great.. lols
besides the part when fries and popcorn were thrown everywhere before the show,
we didnt really understand the story.. haha
i heard that it was based on a game..
and there wasnt suppose to have those flying thingys..


omg theres shooting tmr! ehrihrjw;fhwa;fhae; oh wells~

the grass is greener on THIS side~ (: 10:21 PM

Saturday, October 18

and the previous night was my first night alone, woke up at 8!
and school starts at 7.30!

realised i forgot to set the alarm..
but then.. i guess i really didnt regret setting the alarm.. = =

managed to get to school without getting caught...
as the paradesquare was pretty crowded with lower secs,
they had their super cool outings~
while we had S**uality talk in the hall..
i went from the back, slided in and joined into a random class~
so as to avoid being seen late.. =x

anws.. yup..
it was boring..
4hrs just sitting in the hall, wasnt fun at all..
the only part i liked was when mr ho..
'did his thing!' O.< hahaha
made the talk ALITTLE more interesting..

after that, we went to swim!!
it was planned to be just junkang, louis, roy, ct, kp, timo and me...

poned art, cos we cldnt find paul lau.. = =
invited roy and kp to my house to kill sometime then went to roy's house, after meeting ct..

jk and louis met us in roy's house, but little did we know, many others came too!
nat, ben and david~
it was still raining super heavily, so we all just decided to camp in roy's house, till the rain slowed down..
junkang threatened us that he wld leave after an hr.. = = [as usual]


roy's bro came home...
and we had to leave..
grabbed our stuffs and headed to the pool~

even though it was still raining pretty heavily! D=

the journey to the pool complex was adventurous..
the heavy pouring rain,
the dark grey clouds,
the occasional roar and flash of the lightning and thunder!
the muddy soiled puddles...

the weather..... it kinda sucked! ~_~

we managed to reach there, safe and sound...
entered the entrance, just to be 'rejected' by the guards.. - -
'the pools not ready to swim ar.. the guys with the card can go in first but cant swim, while the rest of the guys without the card are not allowed to enter..'

junkang and i were the only ones who had the card..
so, we decided to rest and dry ourselves and the shack opposite~ and wait till the rain stopped, or slowed to a drizzle~

some of us got coffee and ate finger food~..

the rain eventually came to rest.. =.O!!!!!

we were allowed to enter the complex! YAY!!
went to the toilet to change first~
most of us were wearing undies and p.e pants..
junkang was the only one wearing trunks and goggles.. = =!?

put our bags down and jumped into the pool!!
we were one of the first in the complex!
and the very first in the medium sized pool!

we split ourselves into 2teams of 4 and played lots of games!

tried water frisbee..
but gave up eventually, the game was too slow and tiring..

played water rugby!
teams were suppose to score by passing the frisbee into the goal, which are in between the handle bars of the steps!
we cld even takle the person with the frisbee!!

the game was ultra slow[running in water] but it was SUPER fun at the same time!!!

we got tired as many ppl cheated.. = =
they wld climb onto the sides and run with the frisbee to the opposing sides goal! D=

we played catching!
water catching with frisbee~ oooo~
the catcher had the frisbee, the catcher cld throw the frisbee and if it hits you, you have to pause for 5secs!
we kept changing the rules too, so it wldnt felt so plain~ =)

as time passed,
ppl started filling in~..

frisbee wasnt allowed in the area anymore.. ='(
we swamp a little, then left..
but we all had an enjoyable day!! =)

ppl were pulling each other's pants down.. in the water..
tore louis, pants and broke his specs though.. x.x

lended him 2$ for glue.. [his birthday present.. =x]

the grass is greener on THIS side~ (: 5:12 PM

approx time taken: 39hrs
approx no. of attempted searches: 18

39 EXCRUCIATING hours that almost caused me to LOSE MY SANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2days, 2nights..
these few lines were only to be repeated in my head..... soooo familier~~

'hmmm.. where did it go?'
'when was the last time i saw it?'
'where was the last time i put it?'
'why did it happened?'

"WHERE THE @#$% IS MY MP3!??!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

it was EXTREMELY frustrating..
seached high and low, up and down!
left almost no stones unturned..

literally.. i lifted every mattress, couches, seats, sofas,
only to be greeted by gross unwanted material.. = =

even cushions, pillows, 'dust-bunnied softtoys', bosters! @##$#@%!@#
searched into fridges, under funitures, dugged through pencil cases, random pouches, hidden cabinets, behind the doors, behind potted plants, looked into the 'key-closet', flipped newspapers and worksheets, txt and workbooks,dived into the laundry, poured everthing out from my bags..

but each time to no avail.. TO NO AVAIL!!!!!!!!

i was more dissapointed of myself..
cos all i cld remember was.....
the night after francis bday, ben's mum rode me home in her car...
ben and me were listening to my mp3~
he got bored and didnt wanna listen anymore..
i put it back into my 'milk-pouch' and winded up the wires~
thats it!... forgot if i had put it in my pocket, or in the bag..
or i cld have left it on my tummy..

when i alighted, i rmbed waving to her with my right hand..
so my left hand cld haven been holding the mp3, or it cld have been in my bag, or in my pocket..
but ive checked the laundry basket three whole times, 3 school pants over and there was nothing! its disgusting and it stinks...
ive checked my bag too, and if it was in my bag, i wld have found it ages ago.. cos there was also school on friday!? x.x

kept assuming i left it in ben's mum's car.. or dropped it on the grnd when walking towards the lift to home even though i was 98% SURE that it was at home..

today is the day when i thought all hope was lost!.. but i eventually found it..
it was abt 1.30pm..
the '39th hour'..

i had just came back from my hour of drum lesson~
opened the door, felt the newspapers were blocking the way..

decided to pack them up...
got into my room, saw a newspaper lying on a seat...
took it up and...

THERE IT WAS.. what the shit! zzz
there was so much relief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO MUCH RELIEF!!!!

oh yes.. and through those 39hrs, ive been seaching, sleeping,waking up, packing, and doing stuff there for in my room for like over 10 times..

the grass is greener on THIS side~ (: 4:09 PM

Friday, October 17

had so much fun~
spent my afternoon wondering arnd..
ate lunch with the guys, but they went home soon after.. ~_~
and going home was like the last thing on my list..

i found louis..
who got PSed by us at first..
we then met ben at BHG,
xueying,wanyee,david,vict and valerie were all there! deciding what to buy for fracis birthday~
and they were at the bag section~? o.o..

anws we decided to go minitoons to buy him retarded stuffs instead..
we were joking arnd and stuff..
somebody got a mirror..
think it was victoria.. 'get him this lur!'

then suddenly, a staff asked, 'ni men yao zhao se mo?'
err.. 'mirror!' i said~

she led me to her mirror section~
and showcased a big pink pig mirror!! and a blue bear mirror~.. hahaha
we decided to get the pink PIG one.. cos it really suited him.. =x

it costed THEM $5.95.. didnt pay cause i was the 'extra one~'..
we walked arnd, then stopped into 77th street~
looked at clothes and stuff~
then suddenly somebody said we should get him a pencil case too!
there were like those suger huge ones..
the girls asked us to choose the design..

i pointed to a pouch[those arhlanggunei wear ones..] .. and suggested it was a better idea!
it was cheaper and had more compartments!
too bad they didnt take the idea.. - -

we made our way to a corner..
after muchmuch hesitation, decided to draw on the mirror.. x.x
signed out names and stuff..
and it looked like the pig had acne.. .. ..

anws, ben, david and i continued drawing stuff the mirror's carboardbox..
we drew till the girls decided to meet us at LGS after we drew finish.. = -?

we took quite awhile before we asked ourselves why not draw in LGS instead?! ......

anws, we were happily drawing on the box in LGS at the same time thinking abt today's dinner..
SERIOUSLY didn wanna eat maggimee again..

heard that they were meeting at 7...
asked them, and they said it was francis birthday!??!
and they were going to his birthday party!

woot! perfectly what i needed tonight.. something different..
but i kinda hesistated cos i knew it wld be out of the 10 classmates invited, 10 were from 3peace!
ben and david eventually persuaded me to go~ and i SERIOUSLY cant spend another day at home and spamming ppl's msn conversations with voice video plays..

asked francis, he said he was find with it if i didnt invite more ppl!
it was 3, almost 4hrs till the start of the party~
didnt know how to kill time! ben went home first, to change and stuff..
i invited david over, as i needed to get some $$$ too..

met xueying and wanyee in j8 again as they wanted to watch Mamamia..
spent our 2hrs in the cinema..
the show was super retarded! @_@
as in supersuper!
and the whole show was like highschool musical in adult version.. x.x

anws, went to tpy~
saw huaiying and eunice along the way! but they were still waiting for stacia..
so we left by ourselves,
saw francis.. o.o
he ran past us after shouting that he needed to buy charcoal..

and somewhat we didnt waited for him?
tried our luck to get to his condo..
and we found it!
somehow it looked SUPER familer.. hmmmmmmmmmmm...

met ben coincidentally~
and searched high and low for francis and his family~
ooo found them busy with the BBQ pit and along the extremely familier swimming pool!

yup.. no doubt it was KP's old condo!!
swam in the pool before..

we gave francis the piggy present!
he was like.. 'ooi? whats this?!'
in his strong indo accent.. =x

while waiting for the rest to arrive, francis suggested we shld play frisbee or basket in the basketball court! and we did~
[after doing lots of retarded stuffs, like jumping stupidly with our heels and foot over the holes of a miniture golfcourse and sliding on the wet groundsurface.. = =]

soon, the rest of the guests arrived!
didnt know why, but we hid behind the back of the court? dindt want them to find us! zzzz
we ran back to the golfcourse...
after a long wait, we decided to go back into thecourt.. = =
cos ppl were the guests[3peace ppl~] were playing alr..

threw the frisbee a couple of metres outside and into the basketball court..
[oh yes.. ben threw it out of the condo before passing it to us after he got it back..]

the frisbee hooked and went right onto a girls head! o.o!!
cld hear her swearing! =x
quickly rushed to the court..
found out that i had hit huaiying!! X_X my longlost friend~!!
i didnt know what to do! cos i wasnt very close to her...
i accused david.. =x [sorry~]

and denied throwing it.. X_X

huaiying was still rubbing her head..
i kept quiet.. o.o
stared blankly with guilt and shame~

first, i wasnt suppose to be hear, francis nv really invited me..
second, i was really the odd one out~ [alr didnt fit in]
third, i didnt apologise after the accident!!

anws.. darryl and ivan was there, playing basketball like nothing happened.. - -?
abigail, stacia, nurul and eunice all were there too, trying to comfort HY..

some of us decided to paly basketball,
while the rest of us played monkey frisbee..

i didnt really did my nonsense after that though.. remained tamed and quiet.. =x
felt super guilty!
talked to david and ben, really wanted to apologised! but didnt dared?! eek!


abigail,xueyin,wanyee,david,ben and me formed a circle and we played the number game thing..
stacia soon joined in!

choosing from 1-1000,
the person who got the no. 'right' wld do a forfeit!

xueying had to do the first forfeit..
give francis a birthday kiss! unfortunately didnt know what happened? kinda skipped it?

ben had to do it nxt..
dig davids nose with his giant or smallest toe! didnt know what happened too.. zzzz nv did it..

abigail did her.. super disturbing pole dance.. ~_~

and i had to call phoebe to ask her on a date.. ?!!?
it went like this..
using xueyings phone, i did the infamous quacky voice
'EH,PHOEBE! PHOEBE.. PHOEBE BABY..' [forced to say it]
'who are you?'
'your voice damn gay leh!'

*puts down phone..
.. .. stacia was like doing this face >> ~_~ she created the forfeit...

anw ben was nxt again!
he had to call victoria.. and ask her on a date.. zz
..nothing really happened.. lols.. z..

anws, the food was ready..
ate their meegoreng~
wasnt that great cos it was almost ice cold already..

ate overcooked/uncooked/almostcooked/ chicken wings, 'taiwan' sausage, and fishballs!
ate melted mushmellos too! (:
it been almost 2years since i had this kind of BBQ thingy..
and its the first time ive been to a birthday party..

anws.. apologised to huaiying by msging her.. [finally]
wanted to ask her to come, but she was suspicious over something.. dont know what.. and she didnt dared to approach us?[ben and me] lols ..

she wasnt fuming mad and stuff.. phew~
she even wondered why i was emoing.. lols~

anws, we had super much fun!~
took LOTS of pictures manymanymany.. i'll post them after i receive them from david/nurul!

oh yes.. and we pushed francis into the pool before getting chased out by the security!

the grass is greener on THIS side~ (: 8:32 PM

Wednesday, October 15

this isnt my first time..
it is! isit? i dont know..
i guess this really is my first time.. home alone~ @_@

had been living with a maid for the past 15years.. my god..

mum left to thailand, today mrning~
shes gona be away till saturday morning..

dad's still working in usa while sis's staying at hostel~..

too bad i cldnt tell mum about the SUPER GOOD NEWS~
PASSED MY MATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yup.. I PASSED MY MATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!
AFTER 10whole months.. i passed my math..


it was math lesson~
mr haw came in with afew thick stacks of papers~
everybody was excited! or at least i was~

he started giving out paper1..

glancing at the score, he read out my name.. with a slight grin~ (:
'geraint.... ... you improved alot~' =D

immediately i knew! i passed..
i screamed!
though it was below my 40-45 expectations for that paper, i still passed!

woot~ 1 down 1 more to go!!!!

38!! i then said to myself.. 'all i need now is a 22/60~'

there were lots of commotion after paper1~
i knew i shldnt get so excited becos its only paper1! o__o
but i just cldnt help it~

paper 2 we received~
beside me were ppl i thought they were smarter~
alicia and cherilyn! but they didnt seemed to score very well for the paper 2 received.. =/
it started to dampen my excitement~ x.x


20... eh? not bad~
20/40 was what i THOUGHT..
ooo 58 in ttl! wow!

EH?! then i realised 20/60.. omg my @#$#!%@#%$R$#
which means.. 58/120, 48%! X_X

'oh wells.. at least i jumped 2grades~ from an f9.. sigh~'
kept sighing.. until lk helped me check my paper1 again..

eh? the interger value..
there were 3answers for 3marks! and i gave 1 of the anwsers!
why arent there any marks?

i then consulted alcan.. o.o
he helped me ask mr haw...
after much consideration.. he eventually gave me a mark!!! =D
so its now 49% *PRAYS to find another mark!

i started checking more thoroughly! but still.. it was like searching for a pin in the sea~ [O.<]
i thought all hope was lost~
but then..............

suddenly chinteck came up to me with my paper2~ o.o
'why this one got tick then got mark then this one dont have?'
pointing to the question above with a tick and a mark, then pointing to the question below with a tick!but without a mark!

'eh? YAR HOR?!'

i told alcan.. leekuang alcan ct, all were very excited! lols~
we immediatly went to mr haw!
alcan kept repeating this line... over and over again..'you better pray he give you the mark..'
.. ..

after the awfully dreadful long wait, it was our turn!
he did more consideration than the previous one.. but alcan and leekuang persuaded him to give him my mark..

yup~ and thats how i got my BORDERLINE pass~

so i kinda jumped 3grades for math overall! WHOOOOO!

hmm.. will you be shocked if i told you that im still wearing my long pants now? x.x
havent bathed yet.. hmm..
just ate magimee for dinner.. x.x
just hope i survive for the nxt 3nights without a proper dinner~

anws~ special thanks to LEEKUANG ALCAN & CHINGIVE!

the grass is greener on THIS side~ (: 8:08 PM

Sunday, October 12

i drowned my mp3 2days ago in the washing machine.. x.x

forgot to take out from the pants..
i didnt cared too much though..
was drained and exhausted after a second session of jam..
and partly becos i knew i was getting a new one! whoot!
yup! and i did! today~

the last glimpse of him before he got burried in the junkyard~ D=

i took sometime to consider, which wld suite me~

went to the net and opened 3 windows with 3 differnt brands~

sony, the species that i HAD~
was a straight turn off.. ~_~
they were like 100-200$ more expensive then the other 2 brands!

ipod.. x.x
it was so... i dont know..
standard? boring? no matter the series or models, too many ppl have them alr..
[no offence to ppl who LOVES their ipod ._x]

sooo, there was only one brand left.. creative!

yay~ singapore brand! must support!

CREATIVE ZEN X-FI then caught my eye,
not only did it had a super slick name~ O.<
it had this 'new model' label at the top right of the picture! (:

it costs 50-60$ cheaper than the ipod nano with the same amt of space!
and both has abt the same functions~
watch movies, view pictures~

but this ZEN has a speaker at the side~
to share music with your friends~ O.<
it AUTOTUNES poor quality music downloaded too.. =P it even has a built in alarm system!
can your ipod do any of that? =P

'whats that?'
'its a ZEN X-FI' hear how cool it is? =D

anws it currently has 140 of songs alr~ (:
its alive~

lesson learnt: take out the stuff you put in your pants before you throw it in the washing machine~

the grass is greener on THIS side~ (: 10:35 PM

Saturday, October 11

was a marking day!!! YAY! (:

after crossing the finishing line of that EXTRA TOUGH exam race,
with another gun shot, its the nxt 'START' of our SUPER RELAXING 'sch holidays'~ ^^

you know~
ive nv looked forward to the school holidays actually..
its always so boring.. i mean.. SO BORING..
theres only a few things to do..

1.catch a movie
2.go to the beach
3.have fun at a themepark
4.shopping/window shop

thats practically it..
theres only 6stuffs we would always do in the 50days of holidays..

but what makes me happy after the exams are the post exam activities! (:
when theres still school, when theres ALL your friends to slack, talk, have fun with!

anws, jarred,timo,roy,kp,phoebe and me spent our 'marking day' jamming! x.x
it was the 18th day since i touched a drum!
was super excited!

we improvised and stuff...
did metal genres stuffs because it was quite easy? o.o
all the singer does is scream and shout,
while the instrumentals play would loud and play fast..
didnt need to do much thinking..

phoebe left with valarie and sufang after we 'noised' them off...
the room was LOUD and NOISY when we werent improvising music~ ..
after eating prata,[a tradition]... O.<
jarred, timo, kp, roy and me decided to slack at the playgrnd opposite school..
, our usual spot...
we wld always go there after our exams..
cos the swings and the seesaw were built specially for us.. O.^

anws, it was late evening,
called nico to meet us there too..
we swinged-seesawed, then played block catching!!
its been like 10000000 years since we played catching..
and its the first time i played block catching.. o.o
meaning that we were suppose to hide from the catcher in a certain block..
taking lift was allowed...

we went home at abt 9..
with our sweaty shirts and tired limbs~

so thankful my house was just a few metres away.. = =
anws, enjoy your holis~ (:

oh yes.. i jumped on a boy on his bike when we were playing Marco Polo on a tall climping thing on the playgrnd..
it was less than 20seconds into the game when i attempted to jumpoff the tall thing..
i felt my rightleg landing on a something soft..
then i fell over and turned arnd immediately after hearing a bike's bell ring.. o.o
saw a boy arnd 8-9 staring at me blankly.. o.o"?!
his grandma was like i told you not to play alr in chinese..
i stood up and apologised..
my right leg was feeling the pain, figured i scratched/bruised my shin on his bike.. hmm..
nico and jarred saw the incident and they said i landed on his BACK!
it was then the pain hurt so little~

the grass is greener on THIS side~ (: 8:54 PM

Thursday, October 9

crushing the used, messy written blue inked papers on the table,
putting the textbookS there were flooding my room aside~
clearing the tableS, the bed, the floor!!,

i can finally breathe~ (:
exams out of my mind! [after almost 2mths~]
not 'another subject to thnk about nxt!' for now.. yay~

ive seriously done my best,
full FORCE 2weeks~
put in everything ive got~
and finally! theres now a bright light, HOPE for me passing my math~ (:

hmm.. for the 3As, 3Bs 2Cs..
X_X i dont thnk theres any hope though..
SCREWED up 2of my As
for once GERAINT's praying for his Art.. didnt complete the paper.. x.x
over estimated myself! =(

POA.. haiz.. after completing paper 2, i thought i wld have a shot..
= = but paper 1.. HAIZ........

oh wells~
cant EXACTLY blame myself though, we're studying twice as many chapters as before..

anws, all i can thnk now is about the HOLIDAYS!!!! how am i gona spend it and stuff! YAY~

the grass is greener on THIS side~ (: 9:56 PM

Saturday, October 4


joey sent me some pics from the BOXES PROJECT part one.. o.o
[before we were selected and choson again~]

right after we presented our stuffs! =]
felt accomplished~ lols~


after the proj!
retarded pics~ zz

:] :p [:

80 =o o:

dont forget to study hard study smart! & all the best for your tests!

the grass is greener on THIS side~ (: 10:25 PM

Friday, October 3

i think ive witness one of the most horrible scene in my whole entire life.. ......

and so did kp, nat and timo..

the NIGHTMARE started merely 2days ago.. x.x
and its still haunting us!..

kp, nat and timo met joey,kristy and me in the library after roy phoebe and val while they were studying with us ...

the girls went to the toilet..
for like.. 20mins..

and those 20mins in the library were the most horrible!
we were mocking at a fat women, using the computer.. =x

an OBESED boy, botak, wearing guangyang primary p.e kit, walked towards and sat infront of anther computer beside her..
and we thought he was the fat women's son.. o_o

ANWS.. that isnt my point!
i dont know why, but we decided to disturb the boy? o.o
we crowded beside him, pretending we were using the computer that was nxt to him..

we were making fun of him,
typing LOTS OF MEAN stuff on the username like....

'isnt that kp's bro?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'
'look at that FAT monk>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'

hahahha.. x.x

we were having SOOOOooo much fun..
until we decided to have a look what was he doing on the computer..

wearing his earphones, he went to some boring info website thingy, then opened another window and visited Youtube..
nothing suspcious huh..

we saw it for our own eyes..
he searched for 'malaysian ***scene'


we were stunned o.o
rubbed our eyes and stare again...
he then clicked on a vid..

yup.. its p*** alright.. ~_~

some of the vids i rmbered him watching and giggling to himself..
'*** in the car' and 'XXXP***XXX' wtshit..

its the fact that..
SECOND of all, hes in WEARING HIS UNIFORM, GUANGYANG PRIMARY, YES.. PRIMARY SCHOOL.. [clearly stated on his back]
and we were just.. a computer beside him, less than 2 metres away..

we were shocked, but laughing in with fear and disbelief.. x.x

oh and.. the computer isnt even located at a corner..
its near the lift and in the centre of the library,
not very far from the MOB of students studying close by..

it was insane..
timo then decided to make his presence noticed.. = =
he stood right beside the boy and stare at his face..
while we were trying to control our laughter at the back.. =x
the boy looked up and quickly tried to change the window.. = =

we then looked at us, laughing at him...
he was shocked, o.o but after a moment he went back into watching again,... ~_~

afew moments later, a librarian came,
he looked like the manager or something.. [the guy with the turbun]
we walked towards the computer area,
and headed to our computer, which was nxt to fat boy's..

the fat boy just looked up to him and CONTINUED WATCHING...
and the manager didnt suspect a thing... ?!
he walked off after ajusting the headphones and stuff after checking the rest of the computers..

we then tried to get peiwen and wenfeng, who were studying at the other end to come over and look at the retarded boy..
but by the time they arrived he was watching some animation stuff alr.. zzzzz

the girls came back..
they didnt believe the shocking news at first! lols
so did we..

the grass is greener on THIS side~ (: 9:52 PM

Wednesday, October 1


not so much of a holiday though~
started this week.. X_X

physics was the very first paper~
i was extremely well prepared for physics..
it was the most well prepared subject~ obviously = = since its the first paper?
i KNEW i HAVE to SCORE for physics..
cause im not very good at chemistry!

i took note of the 'tricky' qns which i ALWAYS got them wrong when i revised~ (:
too bad NONE of the tricky qns came out.. zz
dosent mean its a good thing though..
because diff tricky qns came out! D=

i kinda underestimated the paper.. zzz
i was over confident and aimed for 80% ..
but it'll be a miracle if i get a 70 now~ @_@

oh yes! we all were having our exams in the hall~
for the very first time.. it felt awkward..
it was SUPER spacious compared to the 4dull walls in the classroom..
it wasnt as peacefully silent too..
the old grey dusty fans were roaring through the hall~ @_@!
if only they were roaring the answers instead huh~ x.x

went to j8 with joey and bryan to slack and EAT after that~ =)
we played with the keyboards in j8~ (:
SUPER FUNNN! omg.. lols
too bad bryan wasnt very.. musically enthu into it..
kept distrupting us as we played with the 'demo song'
adding drum beats and some rythmic piano music with the song~ haha^^

the other time we played with alim,
lots of ppl stopped and admired us! hahahahha omg..
we were playing solid music!
[they thought we were playing the demo songs].. x.x

anws, alim appeared behind us! o.o
bryan left to home, while joey alim and me went to the library..
forced alim to do my chi tui homework! >=D
had lots of fun disturbing other IRRITATING NERDS from diff schools = =
we were playing with the fertilzer ball thing [sat beside a pots of plants]
then joey accidentally knocked the ball to the nerds.. ~_~
the NERDS were laughing like mad fools? i dont know why?
then they threw it at me..
alim gave them the gangster look.. hahaha
= =

we took their 'green cabin box thingy' after they left (:
it was my frist time in there! felt so cozy~

we TRIED studying.. @_@
but we spent most of the time doing SUPER RETARDED stuffs
before going our seperate ways at 4!
[had chi tution..]

anws, tuesday~
took our chi exam with the roaring fans again~.. x.x
i wanted to show roy my new electronic dictionary during assembly.. =l
they i remembered! i forgot to bring!!! AHHHHHH!! D=
spent like a precious 45mins to figure out how to use the damn thing the day before..
in the end nv bring.. =(

leekuang's friend lended me his dictionary.. =) yay~ thx~

chinese paper1 wasnt that hard~ (:
just hope i didnt write out of point!
didnt really understand question 5's question.. x.x

chinese paper2! was a killer!
i thought i cld score well for my 'li-jie-wen-da-SSS'
but i cld barely understand first passage! X_X my god~
skipped to the nxt passage.. phew~
i copied and pasted for both of the comprehensions in the end..
praying that they wont minus any marks for copy and pasting!

slacked after the paper.. again..
'studied' with roy, phoebe, valarie and victoria.. o.o
but we spent most of the time doing retarded stuffs again.. hahaha.. zzzz

hmm.. havent been studying much for the past few days..
always getting restless and frustrated everytime i cldnt get the ansers right..
guess my study form has gone down a little..

but i thnk it shot up again today! just what i needed! (:
suddenly managed to figure out most of the math questions i cldnt do 2days ago!
i forced myself to study a chapt of SS before using the com! yeepie!!
but i know i have to work ALOT harder than this!
to get my good grades and........... my happyness~ (:

the grass is greener on THIS side~ (: 1:32 PM